Mini's and Holiday Mini Sessions*BOOKED FOR 2009*

If your like me you had to start thinking about the holidays a lot earlier this year, because of the financial crunch this economy has put on our bank account! I created the mini session and it is a hit with all, for this Holiday Season I created a Holiday mini session that seems to be just as popular! It's the same as the mini session that also includes 30 custom greeting cards with envelopes!! My last photo session date for the year is on 12/05/09 (with the exception of newborn sessions) this will give us both enough time to have your pictures ready in time for Christmas!

If one of these dates and times works for you let me know ASAP so you can be sure to get your family session in time to send out cards and give your picture gifts!!!

Traditional Family Sessions (AM SESSIONS ONLY)
11/21- 9:00
11/21- 9:35
11/21- 10:10
11/21- 10:45

11/28- 9:00
11/28- 9:35
11/28- 10:10
11/28- 10:45

Canyon Family Session (AM SESSIONS ONLY)
12/05- 9:00
12/05- 9:35
12/05- 10:10
12/05- 10:45

Urban/Country Family Session (PM ONLY SESSIONS)
11/21- 4:00
11/21- 4:35
11/21- 5:10
11/21- 5:45

11/28- 4:00
11/28- 4:35
11/28- 5:10
11/28- 5:45

12/05- 4:00
12/05- 4:35
12/05- 5:10
12/05- 5:45

If one of these dates or times works for you, send me an e-mail and we will get you all booked!!!

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